Many businesses have a blog on their page. However, unless you utilize it properly and effectively, it won't bring you the results you need. If given proper attention, your blog can be a vital - and inexpensive - tool in your digital marketing toolbox. Here are three tips to generate leads using your blog: Create Unique and Valuable Content As always, you will need a strong content marketing strategy that provides consistent, current, and relevant material. More than anything, you�ll need to create unique, valuable, and interesting content for readers in order to generate an audience, leads, and revenue. Authentic, related content is the most valuable to not only your users, but also search engines. If you want to impress your users and improve your SEO, you'll want to create unique and valuable content on a regular basis. This will help gain interest, get your readers coming back, and engage them in the material that you produce. It will help them remember you and come back,